Leslie Braddock

TN House District 12

Leslie Braddock

Endorsed By

Freethought Equality

Pledge Signed


Endorsed By


Endorsed By

Harvesting Democracy PAC

Gun Sense
Candidate of Distinction

Moms Demand Action

Endorsed By

Planned Parenthood

Vaccine Hero Candidate

TN Families for vaccines

Candidate Meet-N-Greet

Mynatt Park
643 Asbury Lane, Gatlinburg TN 37738
5pm - 7pm | Wednesday, July 17th

Seymour Library
137 W. Macon Lane, Seymour TN 37865
5pm - 7pm | Wednesday, August 21st

Sevier County Fair
754 Old Knoxville Hwy, Sevierville TN 37862
at the Sevier County Democrats booth
August 27th - September 1st

Wear Farm City Park
623 Wears Valley Road, Pigeon Forge TN 37862
5pm - 7pm | Tuesday, October 1st

Leslie will listen to you

In 2024, Leslie has planned a series of events across Sevier County, providing an opportunity for citizens to engage and express their priorities. As a Representative, it is crucial to actively listen and advocate for the constituents. Dedicating time to connect with the people of the county and understand their needs.   

Leslie will speak up for you

WBIR Interview regarding Pride month in Sevier county 

In her capacity as your Representative, Leslie firmly believes in the importance of representing and amplifying your voices. As a Representative, it is ingrained in her responsibility to advocate for your opinions and safeguard your rights.

“Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because people are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal.”

- Aristotle


Leslie believes that public funds should stay in public schools.

Student loans play a crucial role in providing opportunities for higher education. However, it is equally important to emphasize the accessibility of trade schools through initiatives like the Tennessee Promise. By expanding the program and including more trade schools, we can empower more Tennesseans to pursue their chosen career paths. This inclusive approach will not only benefit individuals but also contribute to the overall growth and prosperity of the state, especially in rural communities. Together, let's unlock the potential of every citizen and create a brighter future for Tennessee.

Leslie passionately advocates for programs in the middle and high schools to motivate and reward students. These initiatives aim to uplift at-risk youth, providing them with empowering experiences that reduce truancy rates and guide them towards defining their personal career paths. Such programs serve as a catalyst for students, encouraging them to embrace their full potential and realize that success is not only attainable, but also achievable in the face of adversity.

Leslie also believes that increasing the hires of local school counselors and psychologists will lower truancy rates. Currently most school counselors are spending a majority of their time just enforcing attendance issues and they are skilled to do so much more. Not only is the state not getting their money's worth out of an employee, but the children are missing out on much needed guidance. Let's change that by making sure every school has a guidance counselor and that psychologists are easily .accessible, not covering five schools at once
Teachers work incredible hours and are trusted with out most precious possessions, our children. Not only do teachers deserve and need a greater stipend for purchasing school supplies, but they need to bring home more pay for their dedication for their work. 

Gun Safety / Reducing Violence

A Majority of Tennesseans support Red Flag Laws!

Shelby County has had much success with a free trigger lock program. The Sevier County Sheriff's Department has a similar program. I support expanding that to the entire state. This would save lives and is money well spent to protect our youth from accidental shootings within their home.

From 2001 to 2011, there was a 12 percent jump in firearm deaths. From 2011-2021, there was a 66 percent jump in firearm deaths. From 2002-2021, gun deaths rose in 75 percent of the counties in Tennessee. Tennessee's overall firearm death rate was 53 percent higher than the national rate in 2021. This is unacceptable. A woman is five times more likely to be murdered when her abuser has access to a gun. Every day 120 people are killed with guns in the United States. So what can we do?

Extreme Risk Protection Orders also are beneficial to keeping guns out of the hands of individuals with mental illness and preventing mass shootings. Leslie also supports using a National Domestic Violence Registry as a tool to keep violent abusers from owning a firearm.

In 2016 the Connecticut Appellate Court concluded that the state's firearm removal law does not violate the Second Amendment because "it does not restrict the right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use arms in defense of their homes." in Hope Vs State.

I want to be sure that our children are safer in school and those who should not have access to a firearm, are prevented from doing so. This will save lives and reduce gun violence in our state.

Medicaid / Healthcare

Tennessee is way below average! Let's fix it!

Despite the current dearth of mental healthcare, there is immense potential for improvement. By recognizing the need for expansion and actively working towards it, we can make significant strides in addressing this issue. One effective step in this direction is the expansion of Medicaid, which has the power to reach and support more individuals in need of these services.
Tennessee ranks 44th in overall Healthcare according to America's Health Rankings annual report in 2022 , which is the same ranking from 2019, so there has been no improvement. We can address this by expanding Medicaid. Tennessee is at risk of 26 rural hospitals being closed in the near future. This would affect the health accessibility, community income, and job opportunities for thousands of Tennessee residents. Elderly and low income patients are the hardest hit when this happens. Medicaid expansion would help prevent this.

Tennessee ranks higher than the national average in Drug abuse and overdose death rates. The national average is 33.4 per 100,000 individuals and Tennessee's statistics are 56.6 per 100,000 individuals. We need more rehabilitation accessibility and mental health aftercare to lower these numbers and heal our population. We can address this by expanding Medicaid.
Women's healthcare is in CRISIS in Tennessee. The state ranks 4th in the United States for maternal deaths according to a 2022 report of the General Assembly of the Tennessee State Government. Additionally, Tennessee ranks 11th in the nation for infant mortality. These statistics are abysmal and we desperately need change. Expanding Medicaid to keep rural hospitals open will provide prenatal care to women in need. Trusting women, and their doctors, with decisions regarding their own bodies is also proven to lower maternal death rates.
Medicaid expansion would not cost the state or its citizens anything, and it would benefit them with jobs and healthcare that they currently do not have 2.1 billion dollars were left on the table in 2022 that our citizens NEED! 

Human Rights

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone is entitled to live a life without discrimination:

"Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs." 

Affordable Housing

Sevier County has a 98 percent occupancy rate. Businesses here are constantly looking for employees but there is no place for the workers to live. The county commission recently raised taxes on the Airbnb property owners which might discourage some from taking housing off the market and renting them short term, but that is only a partial solution. We need more quality middle and low income housing in our area. Even though this is something that can be achieved on the county level, I support giving tax breaks to builders who will commit to long term housing construction for these groups. I also support a two year cap on the long term rental prices. This will keep the available rental companies from gouging the citizens of Sevier County. Again, this can be done by the County Commission. Let's work together to make Sevier County affordable for permanent residents!
We need more quality middle and low income housing in our area. Even though this is something that can be achieved on the county level, I support giving tax breaks to builders who will commit to long term housing construction for these groups. I also support a two year cap on the long term rental prices. This will keep the available rental companies from gouging the citizens of Sevier County. Again, this can be done by the County Commission. Let's work together to make Sevier County affordable for permanent residents!


We have the joy every morning of waking up in one of the most beautiful places in the country. Unfortunately, our treasured national park and surrounding areas are suffering at the hands and actions of humans.

We are losing our views, "The burning of fossil fuels produces tiny airborne sulfate particles which scatter light and degrade visibility. Increasingly, visitors no longer see distant mountain ridges because of this haze. Annual average visibility at Great Smoky Mountains National Park is 25 miles, compared to natural conditions of 93 miles."
- National Park Service

This creates dangerous Ozone levels for not only park tourists but citizens in the surrounding counties as well.
Water is not what it used to be.
"Acid rain is a major problem in the Smokies as “the equivalent of 200 train cars of sulfuric acid falls over park surfaces each year,” and this acid rain leaches nutrients from the soil and contributes to the increased acidity of mountain streams."

The changing PH of the water hurts our precious marine life, including our world famous salamanders.
I will support measures to preserve our precious park and the surrounding beauty. This is not going to be an overnight fix, but we need to take action to uphold the health and natural beauty of this unique area we live in.

Leslie Braddock has been an immense part of shaping myself and so many others into the people we are today. I met Leslie when I was in first grade, through the Girl Scouts of America. As a troop leader to not just one, but two troops, Leslie always served as a strong, courageous, and devoted leader. Twenty years later, the same outstanding qualities remain true.

From the first time I ever met her, Leslie has always shown a passion for serving the community. Between setting up volunteer opportunities for her multiple troops, running cookie booth sales, and raising funds for those in need, there is absolutely no question that she puts others above herself and is meant to serve. I have found that the experiences Leslie has created through my life have enriched what I have to offer as a person.

It is clear to anyone that knows her that Leslie adores the state of Tennessee and would serve as an asset to the Tennessee House of Representatives. There is no doubt that her leadership skills would effortlessly transfer from the Girl Scouts to being the person that her community needs. I will forever be grateful for the life lessons, skills, and knowledge that Leslie has shared with me, and am confident that her community will forever be grateful, too. 

- Faith Ward  


Who is Leslie Braddock

Born in Georgia, Leslie has always had a special affinity for Tennessee. She has resided in several states, but her heart has always belonged to the picturesque landscapes and friendly communities of the Volunteer state. Besides Sevier County, Dickson holds a special place in Leslie's heart. It is here that her family has established deep roots, spanning multiple generations. The cherished memories of her childhood and visits to her Great Aunt in Dickson hold unique meaning for Leslie, exemplifying the enduring bond she has with this special state.

After graduating high school in Louisiana, Leslie attended the Art Institutes of Fort Lauderdale and obtained an Associate of Science in Music and Video Business. She is also completing her Bachelor of Science in Psychology in the Fall of 2023. She is certified through the US institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights in Human Rights Education Training.

Leslie is the mother of three daughters and spent over 21 years dedicated to Girl Scouts of America, supporting and leading their troops. During her time in leadership, she held various positions, eventually becoming the Service Unit Manager. She achieved several accolades including; Leader of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and received the President's Award for the Service Unit while she was Service Unit Manager. She also received the Board approved award, Appreciation pin.

Leslie has worked with the United Way in Louisiana to assist children with reading skills in the classroom and for Samaritan's Well food pantry in Florida to distribute food to the homeless and individuals in need. She has also worked with Eskie Rescuers United, an American Eskimo Dog rescue for a decade, fostering and transporting American Eskimo dogs all over the south.

Leslie is a strong proponent of community service and raised her daughters to understand that giving back is not an option, but it's an obligation. Leslie believes that running for District 12's House seat is part of that obligation and is a service to her community and to the state.

Leslie has diverse experience in fields such as education, retail sales, and advertising. She has worked as an assistant kindergarten teacher, retail sales manager, and advertising executive in radio. Leslie established her own local business in Sevier County in 2017.

Leslie Braddock, in the almost twenty years I have known her, has always been devoted to being a community leader. I met Leslie when I was five years old in Girl Scouts. She made sure to provide a safe, educational, and welcoming environment for all of us. Those memories of my childhood are ones that I look back on both for the fun we had and for the lessons I learned within the sisterhood she helped create.
Everything Leslie does is built from her passion to make the world a better place. She spent years organizing events, as well as volunteering her time with her two troops, the community, and the Girl Scout organization. She became a prominent figure within the community as she was always there to help anyone who needed it—always giving her all and never asking for anything in return.
Between cookie distribution, charity organization, and her overall support of community members, Leslie proved that she would do anything to create a better future for her community. Her unwavering support is something that makes her stand out even among other leaders. Even after moving to Tennessee from Florida, she has always been a single message away with words of encouragement, sage advice, and thorough guidance.
As a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives, she will represent the best qualities of a dedicated leader and role-model. Leslie mentored a group of girls that molded me into the person that I am, likely in more ways than I realize. I have no doubt that Leslie will support her community with the same strength, intellect, and passion that I have seen her prove to her community time and time again over the last 20 years. I consider myself lucky to have someone like her on my team and I know that her community will be, too. 

- Jessica Meader

Leslie Braddock

Leslie Braddock

TN House District 12